A bad day in the field beats a good day in the office!

Pictures from the 2011 PAPSS Annual Meeting at PA DEP’s Central Office in Harrisburg:

President Michael Lane presents Senator Brubaker with a Hazelton Monolith during the 2011 Annual Meeting

PAPSS lobbyist Vince Phillips speaking to attendees on the subject of ethics

President Michael Lane presents Brian Thrush with the 2011 PAPSS Scholarship Award

PAPSS Member Mark Mills speaking to the group during the field tour on Saturday

Pictures from the 2011 PAPSS-Sponsored ACOE Regional Supplement Session:

PAPSS Member Bill Davis and ACOE Soil Scientist Frank Plewa during the 2011 Summer Technical Session

Iron precipitation over clayey sediments in the coastal plain, due to a perched condition.  Zoom in for a closer look.

Below are pictures from the Sumner Dam deconstruction in Gulph Mills, PA.  The dam was built in the mid 1800’s and was breached after a hurricane a few years ago.  The dam is being removed and the floodplain returned to pre-dam conditions in order to prevent additional erosion and sediment loading to the Schuykill River which is just a short distance downstream.  The broadening of the floodplain will also increase “storage” for future storm flows.  Thanks for Steve Dadio for notifying PAPSS of the project and the great legacy sediment pictures!

Upland soils (Manor) above the flood plain

exposed schist at bottom of stream channel

Rock pick resting on exposed schist bedrock

Artifacts buried in sediment

Area that was behind the dam; ostensibly all legacy sediment

View of dam from downstream

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